Tuesday, January 22, 2019

PriSym Rose Neon Logo

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated my blog! I've been super busy with school and sports, and haven't had much time to work on any graphic design in a while. They say Junior year is the hardest - and they're not wrong.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Mushroom Fairy

I had started taking photographs this summer up around my cabin, and chose a few to use in various Photoshop projects I had in mind. I've been taking more photos since then, and you'll be seeing more of them on my blog in my next posts.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blog Background

This was the seventh Photoshop project that I worked on. I wanted to create a custom background for my blog, so I decided to model it off of my blog's title, Designing Pixels.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tiburon, S.C. Photograph

This project was the sixth Photoshop project I worked on. In my English class, we were assigned our Independent Reading Project (or IRP) for the quarter. An IRP is where a student does a project on a book of their choice they read. For my IRP, I chose to read The Secret Life of Bees. For my project, I chose to re-create three different important objects in the book in Photoshop.

Warning - Spoilers For The Secret Life of Bees Ahead!

Friday, January 13, 2017

May's Wall

This project was the fourth Photoshop project I worked on. In my English class, we were assigned our Independent Reading Project (or IRP) for the quarter. An IRP is where a student does a project on a book of their choice they read. For my IRP, I chose to read The Secret Life of Bees. For my project, I chose to re-create three different important objects in the book in Photoshop.

Warning - Spoilers For The Secret Life of Bees Ahead!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Brand Design & Designers Review

I chose to review the designer Gail Anderson for this review project. She is a graphic designer, educator, and writer based in New York (http://www.gailycurl.com).

Image result for gail anderson

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Light Bulb Project

This project was the third Photoshop project I worked on. I was inspired by this image (http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk/users/77943/thm1024/1400652552_light_Bulb.jpg) to put a scene inside of a light bulb.