Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Light Bulb Project

This project was the third Photoshop project I worked on. I was inspired by this image (http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk/users/77943/thm1024/1400652552_light_Bulb.jpg) to put a scene inside of a light bulb.

 I used 4 pictures to create this: the beach background, the light bulb, the water inside the light bulb, and the ship inside of the light bulb. In order to create this scene, first I erased out the background behind the ship. Then, I erased the background behind the lightbulb and around the inside of the bulb to make the glass transparent. I also erased parts of the water so it would fit inside the lightbulb. Finally, to make the bulb look like it was partially buried in the sand, I copied part of the sand and laid it over the lightbulb.

Image Credits:
Beach - https://a248.e.akamai.net/secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/theme_body/b/1/e/2/preview_6945538.jpeg
Lightbulb - http://www.chineselight.com/uploads/130107/1_114009_1.jpg
Ship - https://www.videogamesartwork.com/sites/default/files/images/image/1385895900/assassinscreedivblackflag_vehicle_ship_pirate_ship.jpg
Water - https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5468/8914882718_5b392f3df8_b.jpg

Thanks for checking out my post! :)

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