Tuesday, January 22, 2019

PriSym Rose Neon Logo

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated my blog! I've been super busy with school and sports, and haven't had much time to work on any graphic design in a while. They say Junior year is the hardest - and they're not wrong.

Anyways, my sister is in a band called PriSym Rose (No, I don't know why they stylized their name like that), and they've just gotten started with getting bigger and bigger gigs. They've been trying to increase their publicity, and I decided they're in need of a good logo.

I had some ideas before I decided on this particular logo design, such as the logo not being neon, or adding a stem to the rose. However, I thought that the neon effect looked really cool, and that the stem on the rose would make it a bit too complicated and take away from the pop of the red and while colors. I decided on a pink color for the "PriSym Rose" text because it's quite a common color in neon signs, and it's a relatively calm color compared to the boldness of the red & white.

Although this logo might not be as representative of the band's style (this logo seems more fit for a rock band versus a band who mainly uses acoustic guitars), I thought it was a good place to start in creating their logo. Hopefully they'll like it, and I'll be able to design more for them.

Image Credits:
Brick wall background - https://i.etsystatic.com/11598164/r/il/b27edf/1553847907/il_fullxfull.1553847907_hbe7.jpg
Rose tracing template - https://cdn140.picsart.com/259259734025202.jpg?r1024x1024
Las Enter font - https://www.dafont.com/lasenter.font

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