Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fairy Project

This project was the second Photoshop project that I worked on. I wanted to create fantasy scene in a forest, so I decided to use a fairy.

I used five images to create this: the mossy background with the mushrooms, the little girl sitting, the fairy wings behind the girl, the ladybug, and the butterfly. In order to use just the little girl, I erased out everything in that image except the girl herself. I also did that for the ladybug and butterfly images. In order to make the girl appear as if she was sitting in the moss, I copied a small section of the moss and laid it over the bottom edge of her dress, leg, and shoe. I also added some shadows to the ladybug and the butterfly to make it look like they are perched on each of their mushrooms.

Image Credits:
Mossy Background - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f1/84/5e/f1845e0b0201ead668637ddc3726053e.jpg
Little Girl - http://onebighappyphoto.com/?pp_route=%2Fimage-resize&path=L2hvbWUvY29udGVudC9wM25leG5hczA2X2RhdGEwMS8xNy8yMDgxMzE3L2h0bWwvd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzLzIwMTUvMDkvVGF5bG9yNS0xMDI0eDczMi5qcGc%3D&template_id=c19e67b7-cb80-4326-9ff9-e16fafa430f6&width=768
Fairy Wings - http://img05.deviantart.net/536a/i/2014/324/9/c/anyana_fairy_wings_by_colorfullwinx-d872h2u.png
Ladybug - http://dreamlandia.com/images/L/ladybug.jpg
Butterfly - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/b4/8b/13b48b678555012bc1aee105e01dd574.jpg

Thanks for checking out my post! :)

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